European Union plans to levy decisive antidumping taxes on the CD-R products of this country

E020314Z1 Apr. 2002(E32)

According to the information acquired by the Board of Foreign Trade, the Executive Committee of European Union will suggest the Board of Directors of the European Union levying decisive antidumping taxes on the CD-R products of this country. With respect to the involved sixteen manufacturers, ten manufacturers who didn’t receive sampling surveys will be levied antidumping taxes of 17.7%, 19.2% and 29.2% respectively.  The tax rate for the rest of the manufacturers will be 38.5%.


As a result of the investigation conducted by the Executive Committee of the European Union, the market share of European Union in respect of the products imported to Europe from this country during the period of investigation increased from 6.3% to 60.1%.  The export price decreased 73% averagely.  The investigation findings also show that the CD-R products of this country have caused substantial damages to the relevant manufacturers of European Union. Therefore, the Executive Committee of the European Union decided to suggest the Board of Directors of the European Union levying decisive antidumping taxes on the CD-R products of this country.


Source: Liberty Times 03/14/2002

    Translated by Joanne Lue
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