IFPI demands ezpeer stop the exchange of unauthorized music

E020314X3 Apr. 2002(E32)

Making business out of music exchange via Internet, ezpeer yesterday (Mar. 13) confirmed receipt of an attorney letter from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry requesting it to immediately stop such music exchange; otherwise IFPI may opt to take legal action against it.  This matter is likely to become the first legal action over Internet music in the history of Taiwan.


 ezpeer has started to charge for internet music downloading since the end of 2001.  Any one downloading music files therefrom, regardless whether the downloaded MP3 file or other forms of music is copyrighted, must pay ezpeer NT$1 per MB.  There are more than several tens of thousands of people who have pre-paid for downloading music files.  ezpeear operates on a pay-for-downloading basis, unauthorized songs are among the music exchanged by Internet users, and their intent of profiting from exchanging music is clear.  In light of the foregoing, ezpeer's several tens of thousands of members may all indirectly become sellers of pirated music.


Source: Economic Daily News 03/14/2002

    Translated by Jem Chung
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