Yahoo! Kimo again accused of plagiarizing contents of another website and infringing the economic rights of works

E020320X3 Apr. 2002(E32)

PChome yesterday (19th) filed a written complaint with the court formally against Yahoo! Kimo for civil infringement, violation of the Copyright Law and the Fair Trade Law.  PChome accused Yahoo! Kimo of continually plagiarizing the content of its web pages.  It therefore claimed that Yahoo! Kimo should compensate money and run an apology in newspapers as well.  The two giant gateway websites formally faced each other in court. This is the second time for Yahoo! Kimo to be suspected of plagiarizing after it was accused by of plagiarizing in 2001. Accordingly, the network industry of Taiwan looked at the event attentively.


PChome emphasized that one of the halls for its electronic products – Digital Cameras Hall, is the biggest channel among local shopping websites, and no one was allowed to plagiarize the content of the hall.  Concerning Yahoo! Kimo’s suspected act of plagiarizing, PChome already collected relevant evidence. It hoped to severely punish illegal infringers in the industry by filing the complaint and enable the public to place a high value on the “economic rights of network works.”


Yahoo! Kimo expressed deep regret to the event. It indicated that the project of the web pages suspected of plagiarism was provided by Tomorrow World Computer Ltd. According to the agreement, it should be Tomorrow World Computer Ltd. who assures that the content it provides will not infringe on another person’s intellectual property right. In fact, Yahoo! Kimo was punished by the Fair Trade Commission with a fine for its act of plagiarizing the content of another gateway website,


Source: Economic Daily News 03/20/2002

    Translated by Joanne Lue
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