Taiwan Succeed in Researching and Developing Optical Disk with Globally Largest Capacity of 100 GB

E020517X1・E020517X5 Jun. 2002(E34)

Taiwan’s output of optical disks is in the lead globally.  The achievement of Taiwan’s nano disk storage technologies also ranks at the first place globally.  The National Science Council released the achievement of the super resolution near-field optical disks on May 16, 2002.  The National Taiwan University, by means of manufacturing and academic cooperation, researched the “super resolution near-field optical disks” jointly with Ritek Corporation, which owns the globally largest property and output value of optical disks, and eventually succeeded in developing optical disks with the globally largest capacity of 100 GB per piece (one hundred billion bytes).  The optical disks are capable of recording over 20 films, with the capacity larger than CD for 150 times and DVD for more than 20 times.  In addition to the advantage of super capacity, the super resolution near-field optical disks also possess a super competitive advantage on market.  That is, they are entirely compatible with the currently marketed optical disk drives and the consumers will not have to buy another new optical disk drives nor will the optical pick-up have to be altered.  Meanwhile, the cost for producing such optical disks is almost equivalent to that for producing the currently marketed optical disks.


Source:China Times 05/17/2002

    Translated by Corrina Wu
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