Microsoft and other technology giants to set up R&D centers in Taiwan

E020608X5 Jul. 2002(E35)

A high-ranked government official revealed on June 7 that among the many multinational companies intending to set up R&D centers in Taiwan, Boeing, Becker, Sony, Motorola, and Europe-based Avantium and Aixtron are currently discussing the practicability of setting up their R&D center in Taiwan with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, while Microsoft already filed application with our government.  It is estimated that there will be seventy such R&D centers island-wide within the following four years. 


According to the Six-Year National Development Plan, the government will in the 2002-2006 timeframe gradually enable Taiwan to become an "Asia-Pacific regional industrial R&D center" where local enterprises will establish R&D headquarters and multinational enterprises will be attracted to set up their regional R&D centers. 


While attracting multinational enterprises to set up R&D centers in Taiwan, we will choose those that are mutually beneficial to our country - hopefully those listed in Top 100 companies in Europe and the US - through activities attracting companies, in addition to improving our own investment environment and providing talented people, capital subsidies and tax benefits.


Source: Economic Daily News 06/08/2002

    Translated by Jem Chung
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