Honda Will Invest in Manufacturing New Car in Taiwan Within Half a Year

E020712X9 Aug. 2002(E36)

Honda Taiwan announced that they will carry out the investment in manufacturing new cars in Taiwan within half a year, in an attempt to attain a record shortest time-course for setting up manufactories in Honda’s global portfolio.  The Chairman and also General Manager of Honda Taiwan, 藤齊照夫, indicated that all of their future plans will comply with the ultimate purpose of “hitting the demand of market”, so as to create their reliability for customers by virtue of Honda’s high-quality products and also introduce a new enterprise identification marking to Taiwan in combination with brand new services to build Honda’s brand image.


In order to carry out the mass production at the end of 2002, Honda Taiwan will preliminarily import spare parts from Japan to assemble finished automobiles locally in Taiwan.  However, this raised local auto makers’ strong objection.  Some local auto makers even threatened to proceed with the purchase of global spare parts at an earlier time and also stop coordinating with the Government to carry out the Government’s policy of developing Taiwan’s auto parts industry.  In order to reconcile the dispute, the Industrial Development Bureau plans to negotiate with Honda Taiwan in the near future.


Source: Commercial Times 07/12/2002

                  Related reports: Commercial Times 07/15/2002, 07/11/2002; Economic  Daily News 07/11/2002

    Translated by Corrina Wu
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