Executive Yuan Schedule to Examine Draft of Technology Law Today

E020726Y4 Aug. 2002(E36)

The Executive Yuan scheduled to examine the draft of Technology Law on July 26, 2002.  According to the version proposed by the Mainland Affairs Council, the scope governed by the Technology Law will be broadened by including technology-related products, know-how, R&D achievements, information and protection for talents into the protected objects, and law breakers’ criminal punishment will be increased to imprisonment of not more than five years, in addition to the fine increased to NT$10,000,000.


There is one thing worth paying attention to.  The version proposed by the Mainland Affairs Council claims that the term “know-how” should be defined strictly.  In other words, all technologies possessing potential or economic values should be considered as “know-how” included in the scope protected by the Technology Law.


Source: Economic Daily News 07/26/2002

    Translated by Corrina Wu
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