No customs duty levied for returning imported goods within six months after they are withdrawn and cleared

E020715Y5 Aug. 2002(E36)

The Ministry of Finance (“MOF”) has started to amend the Customs Law. The MOF has determined to agree that a duty-payer of imported goods may enjoy preferential treatment of refunding import duty if the imported goods need to be returned and exported, for certain reason, within six months after they have been withdrawn and cleared.


The MOF’s amendments to the Customs Law are tied in the spirit of the 1996 Kyoto Convention of the WCO.  The concept of consumption duty will be incorporated into the Customs Law which shall permit imported goods to be returned and exported within a specific time limit and such goods shall be considered as not imported. Accordingly, the paid customs duty can be refunded to the duty-payer in that case. 


Source: Economic Daily News 07/15/2002

    Translated by Joanne Lue
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