Investors making illegal investments in Mainland China shall be subject to a prison term of not more than two years

E020712Y5 Aug. 2002(E36)

To produce deterrent effect on investors who make investments in Mainland China illegally, the Economic of Affairs and the Mainland Affairs Council have studied to amend the Statute Governing Relations Between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and Mainland Area to sentence punishments of liberty and increase fines to the investors who directly go to the Mainland China without reporting to the Investment Commission.  According to the current Statute Governing Relations Between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and Mainland Area, a person who is found investing in Mainland China illegally shall be punished with a fine between NT$1,000,000 and NT$5,000,000, and the person may be continuously fined until he withdraws such investment.  Under the amended provisions of the Statute, the fine will be changed to be between NT$5,000,000 and NT$25,000,000.  As compared with the old Statute, the biggest difference in the amended Statute is that limited imprisonment can be sentenced to the responsible person of an enterprise.


Source: China Times 07/12/2002

    Translated by Joanne Lue
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