Deadline for enforcing the special case about searching pirated products extended to the end of this year

E020724Y6 Aug. 2002(E36)

The issues about infringements of intellectual property rights (“IP rights”) in this country have become serious. The National Police Administration (“NPA”) will set up the “Police Battalion for IP Rights Protection” in 2003 and there will be 220 police officers responsible for taking raid actions against infringements of IP rights.


In early 2002, the NPA encouraged police officers to investigate cases against infringements of IP rights by rewarding significant criminal cases.  In the first half of 2002, the number of cases in which raid actions were taken reaches 2,721 and the value of seized counterfeits reaches NT$6,363,286,000.  Moreover, the special search case enforced by the Ministry of Justice for the year of actions for IP rights protection will also be extended to the end of 2002 and the stores offering photocopy services in respect of pirated campus textbooks will become the target of raid.




    Translated by Joanne Lue
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