Market share of large-sized TFT-LCD topped rest of the world first time

E020710Y8 Aug. 2002(E36)

Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs pointed out on the 9th that the output value of Taiwan's TFT-LCD monitors will reach NT$1,370bn in 2006.  At that time, AU Optronics, Chunghua Picture Tubes. and Chi Mei. will be included in the world's Top 5 list.  IDB established an Image Display Industry Promotion Office and drew up six strategies to promote TFT-LCD industry.  They are: 1 Promote industrial development using the benefits provided for in the Statute for Upgrading Industries; 2 Integrate domestic IPR resources; help resolve IPR issues; 3 Integrate governmental and industrial resources; development new products and innovate technologies; 4 Establish an integral industrial system from downstream to upstream; boost competitiveness as a whole; 5 Integrate industry, school and research institutes for talent nurturing; increase the input of overseas tech talents, and 6 Help remove investment barriers; encourage civilian investment. 


According to the IDB, Taiwan's TFT-LCDs occupied a 37.2% global market share for the first quarter of 2002, leading S. Korea's 37.1% by a small margin, and Japan's 26%.  This is the first time Taiwan beat S. Korea and became world's No. 1.  It is estimated that Taiwan's TFT-LCDs will occupy an average of 36% market share for year 2002 and make the world's No. 2. 


According to IDB's statistics, the world's Top 5 TFT-LCD makers in 2001 are Samsung, LG, AU Optronics, Hitachi and Sharp in order.  It is estimated that Chunghua Picture Tubes will replace Hitachi and become the world's fourth largest TFT-LCD maker in 2002.


Source: Economic Daily News 07/10/02

    Translated by Jem Chung
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