The number of approved patent applications filed by Taiwan in U.S.A. ranks the 2nd in the world

E020824Y1 Sep. 2002(E37)

The proportion of research & development (“R&D”) funds invested by Taiwan is increasing year by year.  The number of patent applications approved in the U.S. per million populations in Taiwan ranks the 2nd in the world, next to the U.S. only. The proportion of R&D expenditures in Gross National Product has ranked the 9th in the world. This fact shows that the proportion of Taiwan’s R&D expenditures is almost equal to those of advanced countries.


Mr. Gong Ming-Xin of Taiwan Institute of Economic Research indicated that Taiwan had substantially increased the proportion of R&D in hi-tech industry between 1997 and 1999.  The major focus was in information, communications and electronics fields.  The number of approved patent applications in semi-conductor field ranked 12th in 1999.  However, the number of such applications reached 1,578 in 2001 and leaped to the 3rd in the world, next to the U.S. and Japan. Nonetheless, Taiwan still needs to work hard given that it falls behind South Korea in information and biotechnology fields.


Source:China Times 08/24/2002

    Translated by Joanne Lue
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