Quick trial and quick conclusion for serious financial crimes

E020813Y6 Sep. 2002(E37)

To urge the various courts to have quick trial and quick conclusion for serious financial crimes, the Judicial Yuan particularly amended the “Points for Court’s Attention for Handling Serious Financial Cases Subject to Quick Trail and Quick Conclusion” on August 12 to explicitly specify that serious criminal cases about financial crimes listed by the courts of 1st instance should also be listed as serious criminal cases by the courts of 2nd instance.  The Judicial Yuan also instructed the courts of 1st and 2nd instances that they should set up special divisions and special personnel to trial such cases. The Supreme Court will have priority to allot cases for handling.


The Group of “Search on Financial Crimes” in the Subcommittee of Financial Reformation, Executive Yuan held a meeting on August 27, 2002 to confirm that enforcing efficiency for financial crimes will be strengthened in four aspects including prevention, inspection, search and quick trial and quick conclusion.  The Group even reached a common consensus to again shorten the time limit of trial from 1st instance to 3rd instance, i.e. one year-and-four month period for each instance.  In the future, the time for concluding a case about financial crimes cannot exceed four years the longest.


In the aspect of strengthening specialty in investigation and trial, the Group resolved to install professional courts in judicial units.  If there is not sufficient deployment of manpower, professionals equipped with financial abilities will be installed to handle relevant matters.


Source: China Times 08/13/2002

               Liberty Times 08/28/2002

    Translated by Joanne Lue
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