Mainland China-based Enterprises Allowed to Participate Fairs in Taiwan on Specific Conditions

E020829Y8 Sep. 2002(E37)

   The Chairperson of the Mainland Affairs Council, Ing-wen Tsai, indicated on August 28, 2002 that the Council has been researching and drawing up amendments to the Statute Governing Relations Between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area in an attempt to allow Mainland China-based enterprises to publish advertisements and hold fairs for, and sell, their services and products in Taiwan in the form of “special cross-strait fairs” so as to resolve the problem ultimately.  The bill of such amendments is anticipated to be examined by the Executive Yuan at the last third part of September.


    In the meantime, to cope with the Government’s policy in opening the Mainland China-based enterprises to invest in Taiwan, the amendments are intended to cancel the existing limitation on the number of personages in economic and trading business of Mainland China and follow the existing procedures and standards related to international personages’ visit to Taiwan.  Therefore, in the future, it will be customary to see Mainland China personages engage in business activities, such as negotiating for business, participating fairs, concluding agreements and attending meetings, in Taiwan.  Prior to completion of the amendments, if any multi-national enterprise and local major enterprise are in any urgent need, they may file an application on a project basis.  The Mainland Affairs Council will also process such application on a project basis.


   Nevertheless, the Mainland China government prohibits the Mainland enterprises to participate any international fairs held in Taiwan, while it does not impose any specific limitation on the enterprises’ participation in any local fairs held in Taiwan.


Source: Commercial Times 08/29/2002

    Translated by Corrina Wu
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