Philippine Promising to Help Taiwan Negotiate with ASEAN for FTA

E020821Z8 Sep. 2002(E37)

The Economic Cooperation Meeting between Philippine and Taiwan closed on August 20, 2002.  Philippine agreed to help Taiwan negotiate with the Association of South East Asian Nation (ASEAN) for FTA.  This ministerial meeting will be held once two years in the future and the next one will be held in Manila.  There were 20 censuses reached in the Maqeeting.  In order to cope with the formation of the ASEAN free trade area and to strengthen economic and trading connection between Taiwan and the ASEAN, in the Meeting Taiwan asked Philippine, which is one of the member countries of the ASEAN, for their assistance in the negotiation between the ASEAN and Taiwan for FTA, and received a direct and positive response from Philippine eventually. 


Source: Commercial Times 08/21/2002

    Translated by Corrina Wu
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