IBM Asia-Pacific Biotechnology Center to be set up in Taiwan

E020904X5 Oct. 2002(E38)

IBM Taiwan expressed that, in response to the government's "two-star, two-trillion" program and in an effort to further realize IBM Taiwan's "e-Taiwan" project, a decision has been made to build the first biotechnology R&D center in Taiwan.  It will connect 100 biology internet resources globe-wide within the three years to come, heading towards the goal of becoming a large, integrated biology database of a national scale, providing biotech industry in Taiwan with a resolution for quick searching and comparing biology information.


In the Six-Year National Development Plan proposed by the government in 2002, lots of efforts will be spent on the promotion of the "two-star, two-trillion" industries.  Biotechnology, one of the "two starts", is expected to reach a market scale of NT$250 billion in 2006.  It is an emerging star industry full of potential in Taiwan.  IBM Taiwan's Biotechnology R&D Center will also be the first of its kind established in Taiwan using grid computing.


Source:Economic Daily News 09/04/2002

    Translated by Jem Chung
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