ORIX Japan to expand its financial services in Taiwan

E020917X8 Oct. 2002(E38)

ORIX Corporation, the largest non-banking financial services provider in Japan, is to make a large expansion of its business in Taiwan from existing equipment leasing and automobile leasing to NDL (bad-loan buyouts), small personal loan and hi-tech testing equipment leasing, etc. 


Orix Taiwan Corporation's business between April and September 2002 has risen by 20 percent compared with the same period last year.  In the future, OTC will continue expanding relevant business by acquisition or forging leading alliance to reach the target of total assets of 100 billion yen (about NT$30 billion) worth in Taiwan, said Kakimoto Ryo, President of Orix Taiwan Corporation.


Source:Economic Daily News 09/17/2002

Translated by Jem Chung

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