Investigating and Prosecuting Apparatus Raid Piracy to Wipe Out Print Shops Around Universities

E020928Y3 Oct. 2002(E38)

    On September 27, 2002 it was the first time the “Anti-piracy Project Team of Protection on Intellectual Property Right” formed by the Ministry of Justice and Prosecutor’s Office of the High Court targeted print shops around the campus as the object of their search and investigation on the infringement by photocopying imported books.  All of the investigating and prosecuting authorities have launched simultaneous raid actions.  The Prosecutor’s Office of the High Court, having declared that the raid action will be carried out irregularly, also called on the shops and university students never to defy the law. 


     The action conducted by the Ministry of Justice and the Prosecutor’s Office of the High Court on September 27, 2002 was carried out in “promotional and raiding” manner.  Prior to taking the raid actions, the Prosecutor’s Office of the High Court and the district prosecutor’s offices in each jurisdiction have connected with the Ministry of Education and promoted to students the concept of protection to copyright through schools to persuade them not to copy the imported books.  Hoping to curb the malady, most of university schools even set forth strict school disciplines declaring that once anyone is found to have copied the imported books, he will be recorded a demerit.  


Source: Liberty Times 09/28/2002

    Translated by Corrina Wu
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