Transparent administration – the Executive Yuan approved a draft “Statute for Disclosure of Government Information”

E020905Y9 Oct. 2002(E38)

The Executive Yuan approved the draft “Statute for Disclosure of Government Information” on Sep 4, 2002. In the future, except the information of which disclosure is limited by law, the government must voluntarily disclose information including treaties, documents on external relations, laws, written public construction and purchase contracts, subsidies paid or received and etc. to facilitate the public to enjoin together and utilize government information fairly and reasonably.


In addition to the voluntary disclosure of information by the government, the public may apply with the government agencies according to law for providing government information.  Meanwhile, to facilitate transnational circulation of information and to consider the public’s rights and benefits, the abovementioned draft adopts the principle of reciprocal favored treatment. The nationals of other countries that do not restrict the nationals of the R.O.C. from applying for government information may also apply for disclosure of information with our government.


Items of information subject to non-disclosure shall include: national secrets prescribed by law, or other matters prescribed by law, regulations, or orders as confidential, or disclosed upon restriction, or prohibited from being disclosed; information of which disclosure or provision will impair investigation, prosecution, execution against crimes, or is able to hinder a criminal defendant from receiving impartial judgment, or will harm others’ life, body, freedom or property; drafts or other preparatory work completed by internal units before government agencies make decisions on intention; information about examination, testing or appraisal, etc. for professional knowledge, skills or qualifications, and of which disclosure or provision will affect impartial and effective performance; government information of which disclosure or provision will impair personal privacy, occupational secrets or the right to make public release concerning copyright, etc.  The aforesaid government information is either being restricted on disclosure or prohibited from being provided.


Source: Commercial Times 09/05/2002

   Translated by Joanne Lue
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