Advanced Optical Storage Research and Development League is to Release New Specification for HD-DVD in Next Month

E021024Y5 Nov. 2002(E39)

The Advanced Optical Storage Research and Development League, which was initiated by the Opto-Electronics & Systems Laboratories of ITRI and consisted of 27 manufacturers including Media Tek Incorporation and RITEK Corporation, is going to release the new specification for HD-DVD in November in an attempt to strive for the leadership of new specifications for optical storage.  The League will also initiate the mechanism for the cross straits to set forth new specifications jointly and to lead new specifications to be set forth in the area of Chinese.


Following the Blue Ray Disc Organization and the Group led by Toshiba in August this year, the League is the third to release new specifications for HD-DVD in the world.  It reflects that Taiwan-based manufacturers are also eligible to institute the global standardized specifications. 


    Translated by Corrina Wu
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