Ceiling on the numbers of talents of science and technology from Mainland China allowed to work in Taiwan loosened to 50%

E021007Y5 Nov. 2002(E39)

Emerging hi-tech industries such as the electronic industry, the communication industry, the information service industry, the bio-tech industry and the nanotechnology industry are badly in need of talents. However, the local market cannot supply sufficiently for a short while. Accordingly, the Science and Technology Advisor Group (“STAG”) of the Executive Yuan have planned many measures to solicit hi-tech talents from Mainland China and foreign countries to work in Taiwan. These measures include enjoying the preference of being exempted from paying the income tax if such work is engaged in research and development.   The ceiling on the total number of the sci-tech talents who are from Mainland China and work for the same company in Taiwan against the total number of R&D staffs of the same company has been raised from 10% to 50%. Besides, the STAG also planned to loosen the qualifications for outstanding sci-tech talents to apply for residence permit or naturalization.  Concrete measures are expected to be concluded by the end of this year.      


   Translated by Joanne Lue
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