Ministry of Justice plans to draft a special Anti-terrorism Act which shall impose heavier punishments

E021026Y9 Nov. 2002(E39)

As instructed by the Executive Yuan to legislate for a special Anti-terrorism Act, the Ministry of Justice preliminarily plans to regulate “administrative control,” “criminal sanction,” “anti-terrorism mechanism” and “international cooperation” by a special Act, and to provide the scope of terrorist organizations and terrorist activities. The special Act may be named as the “Anti-terrorism Act” or the “Anti-terrorist Activity Act.” Given that terrorist activities affect the national security and the feelings of citizenry to a great extent, the special Act may adopt punishments heavier than those provided by the relevant criminal provisions of the current Criminal Law. It is expected to accomplish the draft of the special Act and deliver the draft for examination within one month.


     Translated by Joanne Lue
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