As a result of E-court, party in lawsuit may petition for CD recording process of court hearing

E021111Y6 Dec. 2002(E40)

Since July 1, 2002 the Judicial Court has installed in each court the courtroom digital recording software system to record the live process of court hearings by computer digital recording in place of the traditional recording tape, so as to ensure the preservation of the recording for the process of court hearings and simplify the management procedure for the recorded materials.


For the time being, parties in lawsuit are only allowed to appoint their agents ad litem to apply for reviewing files or electronic depositions with courts three days after the court hearings and only the summarized depositions are accessible to them.  Therefore, the Judicial Yuan programmed to make good use of electronic device to enable courts to provide CDs recording the entire process of court hearings via digital technologies as soon as any parties or interested parties in lawsuit or their attorneys petition for such recording.


   Translated by Corrina Wu
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