Executive Yuan passed program to expand Taiwan-Europe trade; the goal is US$43 billion total trade in 2005

E021129Y8 Dec. 2002(E40)

The Executive Yuan recently passed the Guidelines for 4th Taiwan-Europe Trade Reinforcement Program, in which the yearly Taiwan-Europe total trade is set at US$43 billion by year 2005, and the amount of European businesses investment in Taiwan at US$8 billion.  The aim of said Program is to also generate another 100 cases pertaining to the forgery of strategic alliance, technology collaboration or transfer of technology between our country and European countries. 


Other key work includes establishing dialogue channels with all the European governments on economic and trade issues, and negotiating with countries closely bounded with the European countries in trade and economy for the signing of avoidance of double taxation agreement, agreement on investment promotion, temporary admission carnet system customs agreement, as well as building a database on the European economic and trade information.


    Translated by Jem Chung
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