The power to issue monitoring warrant to be transferred to judge as a result of amendments to laws made by Ministry of Justice

E021126Y9 Dec. 2002(E40)

According to the draft of amendments to the Law of Protection and Supervision over Communication finalized by the Ministry of Justice, the power to issue the warrant for supervision over communication should be transferred from prosecutors to judges.  The draft also defines that any persons who makes the commission of larceny as an occupation and those who commit the offenses against intellectual property rights and network via communicative means shall be included into the objects subject to the supervision.


Moreover, the requirement, which defined that the chief of competent authorities responsible for administering the task of the national security intelligence were entitled to issue the monitoring warrant to collect intelligence in relation to foreign countries’ influence or out-boundary enemy states’ influence, is also amended to be read as that in the event the object to be monitored has registered a domicile within the territory, the chief of any competent authority responsible for the national security intelligence shall issue the monitoring warrant subject to the approval given by the judge of the high court at the location where the competent authority is situated.


    Translated by Corrina Wu
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