e-Patents bogged down in crisis; most of Taiwan websites are likely to conduct the infringement act

E001207Y1 Jan. 2001(E17)

Source: Commercial Times 12/07/2000

              Economic Daily News 12/07/2000

Translated by P.C. Lue


   Director-General Chen of the Intellectual Property Office made a speech on e-commerce and intellectual property rights in a luncheon held by Chinese National Federation of Industries on Dec. 6, 2000.  He pointed out the respective development of protecting e-commerce by patents in European countries, U.S.A. and Japan.  However, problems related to protection of intellectual property rights have occurred because Internet is without borderlines and because of the characteristic of digitized information.  Currently, U.S.A. is the most powerful country which provides protection to e-commerce.  According to the statistical data, U.S.A. has acquired 1,500 e-commerce-related patents until September 2000.  Such outcome far exceeded the 185 e-commerce-related patents acquired by Japan, the 20 e-commerce-related patents respectively acquired by Canada, U.K. and the Netherlands.  Although the enterprises of this country have acquired more than 15,000 patents in U.S.A., there were only two e-commerce-related patents among such patents. For the purpose of helping local enterprises follow the developing trend of protecting e-patents, the Intellectual Property Office will study and analyze the effect produced by the e- patents granted in European countries, U.S.A. and Japan, etc. on the operation of the commerce mode to search the mode that fits this country the best.
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