The Draft of the Revised Arbitration Law is permitted: the arbitrator should receive training and acquire a qualified license

E010112Y9 Feb. 2001(E18)

Source: Liberty Times 01/12/2001

Translated by Y. W. Hsiao


    The Draft of the Revised Arbitration Law was amended by the Ministry of Justice recently and was permitted by the Executive Yuan. The objective of the Draft is to regulate that an arbitrator, in addition to having rich capacity in jurisprudence or experience in arbitration, should receive training and acquire a qualified license, so to enhance the quality of the arbitrator and protect the right of the interested party. In the meantime, in order to avoid affecting the quality and reputation of arbitration, the arbitrator will not be limited to an arbitrator registering with an arbitration institution when “the arbitration happens outside the institution”- [in other words], the so called arbitration is engaged by an arbitrator who does not file registration with an arbitration institution. Regarding the items held responsible by the arbitration institution, “cancellation for registration of the arbitrator” has been added [to the Law]. The Draft also revokes the rights of the arbitration institution to “abolish permit”, to receive “registration of the arbitrator” and “cancellation of the registration of the arbitrator”.
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