A bid for the arbitration institution solving the domain name disputes will take place in February

E010119Y7 Feb. 2001(E18)

Source: Economics Daily News 01/19/2001

Translated by Y. W. Hsiao


    TWNIC expressed on January 18 that it would promulgate “the qualifications for an institution to solve the domain name disputes” on January 20. A qualified non-governmental legal person such as the bar association, could apply for an arbitration institution with TWNIC dealing with the domain name disputes. TWNIC would license appropriate applicants to deal with and arbitrate the disputed cases. TWNIC scheduled to open bids on February 1 to select the arbitration institution exclusively in charge of the domain name disputes among non-governmental legal persons with willingness to be licensed by TWNIC. On March 1, the arbitration institution will be set up and begin to take the domain name disputed cases. The ruling by the arbitration institution will have its power on TWNIC.
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