Internet patent protection, laws to follow at the end of the year

E010205Y7 Mar. 2001(E19)

Source: Liberty Times 02/05/2001

Translated by Y. W. Hsiao


   According to the Council of Economic Planning and Development, the technologies and transmission contents used during the development of internet and e-Commerce are all relevant to the IP right. Therefore, internet tradeoff must be done based on the IP right protection. However, the traditional IP laws are unable to regulate the new legal problems deriving from e-Commerce, therefore, the copyright, the trademark right, the patent right, and the domain names relating to internet should be all included in the protection scope of the relevant IP laws. Currently, the revision of the relevant internet laws such as the Trademark Law and the Telegraph Law are under revision of the cross-department guided by CEPD. The Drafts are scheduled to be completed in June and the legislation is hoped to be accomplished at the end of the year. In the future, the domain names, the internet labels and the hardware techniques will be under distinctive and clear protection.
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