Seizure of counterfeits yielding a rich harvest

E010204Y6 Mar. 2001(E19)

Source:Liberty Times, 02/04/2001


Translated by Corrina Wu


    Since the end of the Project K against counterfeits in July of last year, piracy of video discs has been getting rampant more and more, thus brining significant damage to dealers (right owners, publishers and sellers). Therefore, the Ministry of Economic Affairs immediately connected with the National Police Administration, Ministry of Interior, asking the Administration to dispatch the police force to form the mobile teams to carry out missions of wiping out piracy of CDs in Northern, Middle and Southern Taiwan. Civilians may report cases to the mobile teams. The mobile teams will conduct raid actions against counterfeiters in irregular places non-periodically. In view of the fact that the offense in violation of the Copyright Law is indictable only upon complaint, some copyright owners are invited in the missions to strengthen the effect of raid actions. Within the half month since the missions have been carried out, the police apparatus seized the goods with market price measuring up to NT$78,280,000. Before the negotiation for intellectual property rights between U.S.A. and Taiwan is held at the end of this month, the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, R. L. Chen, indicated that the competent authorities are keeping raiding against counterfeits and have seized infringing goods valuing NT$79 billion for the whole last year.
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