New Trademark Monitoring System for Export Commodities on-line on March 1, 2001

E010219Y2 Mar. 2001(E19)

Source: Commercial Times 02/19/2001

Translated by P.C. Lue


    Directorate General of Customs, MOF indicated that the new trademark monitoring system for export commodities developed by the Board of Foreign Trade, MOEA will be on-line in two phases to effectively protect intellectual property rights. In the first phase, searches has become accessible recently. In the second phase, all functions are scheduled to be made open to public access from March 1, 2001. Since then, the trademark monitoring of export commodities will be carried out formally to keep counterfeits from escaping.


    Meanwhile, to strengthen the customs’ level to search counterfeits, Directorate General of Customs has held lectures and technical guidance separately in Keelung, Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung to thoroughly perform the new trademark monitoring system for export commodities.
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