R.O.C. and the U.S. consulted about the intellectual property right, the U.S. demanded the “Law Governing CDs” be set up soon and the prolongation of the patent protection

E010301Y6 Mar. 2001(E19)

Source: Economic Daily News 2001/03/01

Translated by Y. W. Hsiao


    The IP right consultation between the U.S. and R.O.C. was held on February 28, 2001 in Taipei. From the facts that Taiwan is the largest country of manufacturing and exporting CDs in the world and there are continuing pirated CDs in this country, the U.S. asked our representatives to set forth “Law Governing CDs” before the end of April in order to govern the import and re-sale of the CD facilities. At the same time, the U. S. asked Taiwan to prolong the patent protection period [from 15 years] to 20 years. The Ministry of the Economic Affairs has already drafted the “Draft of the Law Governing CDs”. However, in view of the fact that a public hearing must be held during the legislation, it is difficult to meet the demand of the U.S.. Due to the likelihood to be listed on the 301 priority observation list, the ensuing pressure put on us through the trade sanction thus increases.
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