Kadokawa Media (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. accused of infringing copyright of “Car & Life” Magazine

E010222X3 Mar. 2001(E19)

Source: Commercial Times 02/22/2001

Translated by P.C. Lue


    Kadokawa Media (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. had borrowed some photographs from “Car & Life” Magazine and used such photographs in an article titled “新車目錄完全解讀” and reported in “Taipei Walker 2000年特別號 WALKER MOOK No.2.” However, “Car & Life” Magazine found out that Kadokawa Media (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. had breached the agreement for not altering the contents of the photographic works as it had altered, by computer, the words “Car & Life” indicated on the license plate of a test car contained in the photographs to the words “Taipei Walker” without giving a prior notice to “Car & Life” Magazine. Kadokawa Media (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. didn’t notify “Car & Life” Magazine of such alteration after the aforementioned 特別號was issued. “Car & Life” Magazine considered that Kadokawa Media (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. had seriously infringed its copyright and its moral right over such works.  Therefore, it decided to accuse Kadokawa Media (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. of infringing on its intellectual property right.
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