BSA’s Anti-Piracy Rewarding Program Results In a Record-Breaking Number of Reporting.

E060505X2 Jun. 2006(E79)

Business Software Alliance (BSA) on May 4, 2006 released the statistics of reports filed to BSA’s software anti-piracy program.  During a 45-day period, 910 cases had been reported, setting the record-breaking number of reports in a single month in BSA’s anti-piracy reporting history. 


BSA launched a Rewarding Program offering money rewards in an amount up to NTD10 million, which turns out to be a real shot in the arm for piracy reporting.  There have been 21 reporters willing to be included in the Reward Program for the potential reward payment up to NTD 10 million. According to the reward payment guide, where the value of infringement exceeds a hundred million dollars in the reported company, the reporter is likely to have a potential reward up to NTD 10 million.


By nature of business, 18% of reports have been made against businesses in manufacturing industry, which is the highest percentage followed by 13% in software industry, 11% in service, 10% in technology industry, 7% in import/export trading, and 7% in electronic machinery and appliance.  The lack of software package is the most common problem.  In addition, 80% of the reported businesses are small and medium sized ones, and 66% of the reported businesses are equipped with less than 20 personal computers. (2006.5)


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