Internet Turning into Popular Channel for Distributing Counterfeits, IPRP to Strengthen Tracking And Hunting Down of Online Pirates.

E060516Y6 Jun. 2006(E79)

According to the Intellectual Property Right Police Team operating under the Special Police Second Headquarters, National Police Agency, Ministry of Interior, they cracked down a total of 491 piracy cases over the period from January through April this year with a total of 535 individuals held in suspected violation of the relevant laws and regulations and the counterfeits seized amount to a total of some NTD3,875 million in value.  385 of the cases involve piracy over the cyberspace, accounting for 78% of all.  Of all the cases cracked down in the said period, only 45cases involve distribution of counterfeits through night markets and 22 cases through shops, night markets and shops being two of the most important distribution channels in the past.


In fact, most of the street vendors, the most commonly seen retailers of counterfeits have now turned to operate their piracy business on the Internet which is characterized by secrecy, convenience, and quick consummation of deals.  Pirates now “display” counterfeits on their websites to attract orders from the consumer.  In light of the shift of the distribution accesses of counterfeits, the IPRP is targeting auction websites for scrutiny and detection of piracy.  (2006.05)


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