First Taiwanese Patents Auction Service to Put Over 200 Patents to Auction at The First Patents. Auction Scheduled for July.

E060608X1・E060602X1 Jul. 2006(E80)

Enterprise Intellectual Property Marketplace (EIPMart) announced to publicly auction some 200 Taiwanese patents on 28 July 2006.  The auction will be the first of its kind in Taiwan with the value of the patents put up for bidding amounting to some NTD2 billion.


EIPMart was established by five IPR services in early June this year in line with the MOEA Industrial Development Bureau’s TWTM project.  The five IPR services are Asia Pacific Technomart Corp., Elite Consulting Co., Ltd., Louis International Patent Office, LearningTech Corp., and Porservace & Co., CPAs.


EIPMart will pool the patents owned by private businesses and academic institutions offering them publicly to prospective assignees or buyers for bidding.  This is expected to stimulate Taiwan’s IPR market.


As part of its efforts to encourage private technology services to provide patent auction services to foreign and domestic patentees with respect to patent licensing and assignment, the Industrial Development Bureau entrusted TWTM Center early this year to take charge of promoting the establishment of a private IPR auction service.  (2006.06)


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