APAA to Hold General Assembly Meeting 2006 in Taiwan in November, A Major Event to Asian IPR Groups. Patentability of Software And Business Method to Be Key Issue on The Agenda.

E060808Z1 Sep. 2006(E82)

Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA) will hold its 14th General Assembly Meeting from 4 through 8 November in Kaohsiung this year.  This is the third time APAA has held its general assembly meeting in Taiwan.  With more than 1,100 delegates to come from more than 25 countries this year, this will be the largest APAA assembly ever in terms of the number of participants.


According to Jennifer Lin, Attorney-at-Law, President of APAA, Taiwan, APAA holds a general assembly meeting once every three years.  The general meetings convened in 1983 and 1996 both were held in Taiwan.  APAA Recognized Group of Taiwan won the competition in 2003 for hosting the General Assembly Meeting 2006 and selected Kaohsiung as the venue for the meeting.


Taiwan has played an active role in APAA and now holds a co-chairpersonship in the Anti-counterfeiting Committee and the Copyright Committee each, represented respectively by President Lin herself and J.K. Lin, Attorney-at-Law and Director of Taiwan International Patent & Law Office.  APAA has a Trademark Committee, Patent Committee, Industrial Design Committee, and Emerging IP Rights Committee.


Issues on the agenda for the APAA general meeting this year include, among others, the patentability of computer software and business method for invention patents and the resolution of cyber squatting by using another person’s trade name or trademark.  (2006.08)


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