Patent Assignment Expedited by ITRI’s Patent Auction Platform.

E060906X1 Oct. 2006(E83)

  Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) hosted the second nationwide patent auction in Taiwan this year and meanwhile presented its “patent auction marketplace” which collects information and procedures for patent auction, offers immediate, interactive, and electronic services, and further enables the concerned parties to search and update on patent information.


  Following the nationwide trend for patent transfer, ITRI presented the “patent auction marketplace”(at as a portal of patent exchange.  In terms of patent auction in the past consecutive 3 years in Taiwan, patents of electronic information and optoelectronic communication comprise 80% of the successful patent assignments in Taiwan, which demonstrates the importance and great demand for patent arrangement in electronic information-related industries and also the severe IP competition faced by high-tech industries; patent has become a basis of competition.


  ITRI has, since 2003, begun to assist the industry in practicing multi-utilization of technology research, and that has made successful transactions of 480 patents, 470 exclusive licensing of patent portfolios, and 350 cases of strategic introduction by open bidding process. 


  Subsequent to the passing of Fundamental Science and Technology Act (Chinese: 科學技術基本法), the research institutes and schools sponsored by the government can legally own the patent rights in their research.  ITRI, which currently owns around 7000 to 8000 effective patents, begins to change its business model by exploiting/utilizing its patent rights as properties, which is a viable option for more effective and valuable practice of patents.  After three years efforts, the nationwide patent assignment conducted by ITRI has become an important platform of IP trading. (2006.9)


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