Designation of Taiwanese Official Bodies in IPR Applications Filed with PRC Authorities Proves A Tricky Problem.

E060919Y2 Oct. 2006(E83)

To prevent their successful R&D results from outflow, Taiwan’s government agencies seeks protection of their R&D results from by filing relevant IPR applications with, among others, the PRC IPR authority.  However, their designations for the purpose of the IPR applications filed in the PRC turns out a problematic issue in the midst of the complication of the relationship between both sides of the Strait.


Due to the lack of official communication between Taiwan and the PRC, some Taiwan government agencies request d Taiwanese businesses doing business in the PRC to convey their intent to file IPR applications in the PRC.  According to the “go-between” Taiwanese businesses, the PRC authorities said they would accept applications from Taiwanese official bodies bearing “Taiwan, PRC” in their designation and designations such as National and/or Executive Yuan must be removed from their titles.


Take these two titles for example:  the designation of National in National Taiwan University must be removed; for applications filed by the Agricultural Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, the PRC authorities will accept only the designation of Agricultural Research Institute, Taiwan Council of Agriculture or Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute or Agricultural Research Institute, COA, Taiwan as the applicant’s official title.  (2006.9)


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