Taiwan Ranks 4th In Patent Application Approvals In the US For 7 Consecutive Years.

E061016Y1 Nov. 2006(E84)

 According to the statistics released by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan, Taiwan has for 7 consecutive years stayed in the 4th place in the number of patent application approvals in the US and even ranked 2nd in the number of patent application approvals per 1 million persons, with brilliant performance in the patents particularly with respect to semi-conductor, LCD, and information technology, receiving 820 invention patents granted for semi-conductor technology and ranking 3rd behind US and Japan.  Taiwan has demonstrated superiority in creation and competitiveness.

  Also, Taiwan finished 5th in the number of invention patent approvals for LCD-related technology.  In addition to self R&D, Taiwanese manufacturers also obtain TFT-LCD license from Industrial Technology Research Institute through patent pool and to conduct cross licensing with other leading suppliers in the world so as to stabilize and develop their patent strategies.

  In the aspect of info technology, Taiwan is in the 5th place with 279 invention patents granted for computer hardware and software technology, also ranking 5th and 4th respectively with 106 and 153 invention patents granted for computer related products and information storage technology. (2006.10)


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