With Both Sides of The Strait Joining Hands, Asian Patent Office Could Be A Dream Come True.

E061011Y1 Nov. 2006(E84)

 Is it or is it not possible to establish an Asian Patent Office?  Major Asian countries such as Japan, Korea and the PRC each have their own official language and written language and this is by far the primary barrier to patent cooperation talks among them.  Taiwan uses the traditional Chinese characters as its written language and the PRC the simplified characters.  Owed to the successfully developed software, traditional Chinese characters may be converted into simplified characters in a blink of an eye and vice versa.  The relevant study done in Taiwan shows if the PRC and Taiwan both could discard their political standing, they could join hands to make the Asian Patent Office a dream come true.

 By total number of patent applications filed, those filed in Taiwan and the PRC combined will soon amount to over one half of the total number of patent applications filed in all Asian countries.  In terms of technology power, Taiwan parallels South Korea and is endeavoring to catch up with Japan continue.  If both sides of the Taiwan Strait could discard their bias against each other, together they could form a major patent power in Asia.  (2006.10)


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