Data Flow Management on Campuses To Prevent Infringement

E061101X3 Dec. 2006(E85)

National Cheng Chi University began implementing the data flow controlling on campus servers in October 2006; in particular, the data throughput in dormitory is limited up to 5G.  Likewise, National Taiwan University, National Tsing Hua University, and National Chiao Tung University have also implemented limitation of connection speed to prevent illegal downloading on campus.

The practice of connection speed limitation on campus is triggered by the respectable number of unknowing copyright infringements as students’ use of P2P file-sharing to transmit copyrighted work in their spare time comprise 60% of the data throughput on campus servers.  The Computer Center of the Ministry of Education periodically releases to schools the information with regard to the complaints filed by rights holders, such as film operators or foreign academic websites.  The MOE Computer Center tracks IP addresses and finds that most of the suspected infringements take place on campus servers.  (2006.11)


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