Chi Shang Rice (池上米) Successfully Registration as A GI Certification Mark Encourages Many to Also Give It A Try with Their Own Marks. EU Accepts European Trademark Applications Filed by Applicants from Non-Member States.

E061122Y2・E061122Z2 Dec. 2006(E85)

European Economic And Trade Office Taiwan, ECCT, Council of Agriculture and TIPO met on 21 November 2006.  IPR issues and geographical indication (GI) certification marks sparked keen discussion at the meeting.  The 2003 amendment to the Taiwan Trademark Act opened up the door for GI certification mark registration and Chi Shang Village Administrative Office is the applicant and holder of the first-ever approved GI certification mark, the Chi Shang Rice (Chinese: 池上米) mark.  This mark is also the only of its kind so far.

The successful registration of the Chi Shang Rice mark contributes to a 50% increase in the price of the rice authorized to use it.  Such economic success attracts many youths to give themselves to agriculture and boosts the tourism of the cultivation area of the Chi Shang rice.  Further, the government policy to promote one feature product for each township has encourages the relevant local administration office to seek GI certification mark for their feature product.  The Lu Gu Administration Office in Nantou County filed the designation of “Lu Gu Dong Ding Woolong Tea” (Chinese: 鹿谷凍頂烏龍茶) for GI certification mark registration.  The mark was approved as a certification mark in September 2006.  However, whether it sufficiently amounts to a GI is pending proof of the alleged association between the tea product and the local natural environment.
The representative from the European Economic And Trade Office Taiwan present at the meeting said the EU Commission made a decision to open the door for applicants from non-member states to seek GI registration of their marks.  Taiwan should make good use of this opportunity to develop and expand the EU market for its rich agricultural products, where products bearing a recognized GI are considered higher in value and sold at higher price.  (2006.11)


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