SID International Forum. Taiwan Ranks Second for the Number of Essays Published Globally.

E080516Y5 Jun. 2008(E103)

Society for Information Display (SID) Taiwan Chapter indicated that Taiwan is not only keeping pace with South Korea for manufacturing high-definition flat-panel displays but also for the number of essays published by the SID, SID published a total of 106 essays from Taiwan.  The year 2008 marks the first time for Taiwan to outnumber both the US and Japan for the number of published essays by SID.  SID’s published essays from the US, Japan and South Korea are 100, 93 and 172 respectively.  In other words, Taiwan only ranks next to South Korea for the number of published essays by SID.

Among the said 106 published essays, AUO and Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan (ITRI) submitted 13 and 28 essays respectively.  These numbers of submitted essays make AUO ranking first in the industry and research sector; ITRI ranking first in the academic sector.

SID is an academic research organization for fields of information display research, design and manufacturing.  SID currently has over 8,000 members globally.  Every year numerous speeches and essays relating to topics on advanced technical information will be held or published.

The Taiwan display industry has recently worked closely with the academic and research sectors; both sectors’ collaboration have achieved remarkable result in the increasing number of published essays and educating talented people.  In 2007, SID selected 28 essays from the Taiwanese panel manufacturers’ submitted essays.  Among the said 28 chosen essays, the top 3 manufacturers are: Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd. with 9 essays, AUO with 7 essays and TPO Displays Corp. with 4 essays chosen.  In 2008, the number of selected essays from the Taiwanese panel manufacturers’ submitted essays surged to 32 essays; AUO leapt to number one with 13 essays published by SID, followed by Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd. with 6 essays published and INNOLUX Display Corp. with 4 essays published. 

SID selected 56 essays from the Taiwan academic sector for publications; among these National Chiao Tung University submitted 28 essays, National Tsing Hua University submitted 6 essays and National Taiwan University submitted 5 essays; these three universities are the top three rankings among the academic sector.  Among the 18 selected essays from the industry and research sector; ITRI submitted 13 essays and Taiwan TFT-LCD Association submitted 5 essays.  (2008.05)


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