Chinese-English Patent Glossary Databank to Open for Use by 2009 Year-end with 100,000 Terminology for A Start.

E080602Y1 Jul. 2008(E104)

 Taiwan IPO’s project to build an auto-translation system to translate patent specifications officially kicks off.  A Chinese-English glossary of over 100,000 entries which is scheduled to open to the public for use by the end of 2009 will be built for a start.  The building of the auto-translation system will follow in 2010.  Once completed and put into operation, the system will serve to cohere the patent-related terminologies used in Taiwan thereby shorten the patent application examination process and bring Taiwan IPO to the common ground for data exchanges with the IPOs of other countries.

 With a view to shortening the time needed for examining patent applications in light of the ever-increasing number of filings, many of the countries in Europe, the USA, Japan, Korea and China have each set up their own patent specification auto-translation system which mainly serves to provide a quick translation of the patent specification received into the local language for reference and proof-read manually for necessary and appropriate revision thereof.

 According to the schedule of the project, the glossary bank with over 100,000 entries which will be classified into eight categories will serve as the foundation to build up the auto-translation system, the construction of which is scheduled to commence in 2010.

 The system as completed will serve, among others, three major functions:  cohering the glossary used in connection with invention patents, providing the examiner with quick access to prior art data, minimizing possible confusion arising from inconsistency in the terminologies used as the glossary bank will be accessible to the business sector, law offices and the general public for use.  (2008.6)


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