Virtual Retail Channels To Be Under the Protection of Trademark Act.

E080711Y2 Aug. 2008(E105)

 Taiwan IPO plans to amend Retail Services Examination Standards (Examination Standards) to include virtual retailers such as TV shopping, online shopping and catalog shopping under the protective scope for application for retail service mark for expanding trademark protection for retail services.

 Since IPO’s announcement of the Examination Points for Retail Sales Service Mark Registration in April 1998, types of retailing has diversified substantially. Other than the physical stores of conventional hypermarkets and convenient stores; new retailing channels such as catalog shopping, TV shopping and online shopping rising quickly in recent years and changing consumer behavior

 IPO indicated that the goal for amending the Examination Standards is to conform to market needs and to the changes that are taking place in the market and enhancing trademark protection for retail services, redefining retailers and expanding the applicable scope of retail business.  In addition, in the past years applicants often include non-retail services items in the servicing list or filing for applications with non-factual transactions or transaction types, the above factors contribute to the failing of serving the goal of trademark protection and affect the fair competitive environment in the market.  Amending Examination Standards aims to facilitate the relevant reviewing of trademark applications and stop using up administrative resources.

 To broadening the definition of retail services provider to include not only a service that collects all kinds of products together for the convenience of consumers in browsing and buying (but not including the transport services arising therefrom) but also to include service which can be provided via retail stores, wholesalers, or virtual stores such as catalog shopping, online shopping, TV shopping channels, or other electronic media; all of these are encompassed within the scope of application for retail service trademarks, and are under the protection of Trademark Act. (2008.7)


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