Restrictions Eased on Technology Transferring to Taiwan Businessmen in China Corporate Person under Technology Project Subsidy Can File Application with the MOEA.

E080715Y5 Aug. 2008(E105)

 In order to assist Taiwan businessmen in China to upgrade technology, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) will permit corporate persons who are entitled to the special projects granted by Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) to undertake technology transferring from Taiwan to China.  However, MOEA will review the acceptability of technology transferring from Taiwan to China on a case-by-case basis upon application.

 According to the current practice, technology developed as a result of industry’s special project is not allowed to be transferred to areas outside Taiwan for manufacturing within 2 years after its first development.  For technology developed as a result of corporate person’s technology project, the transferring of technology for manufacturing outside Taiwan such as China will be subject to case-by-case examination.

 Department of Industrial Technology of the MOEA indicated that no permission will be granted for the transferring of innovative technology developed from the technology project to enterprises in China.  Factors that MOEA will consider before allowing technology transfer to China or other foreign countries include (a) whether the developed technology will benefit Taiwan’s industries; (b) the degree of necessity for such technology transferring abroad; and (c) to confirm that no damages will be done to Taiwan industries.

 With respect to the relevant procedures for technology transfer, in the past corporate person or industry must file an application with the Investment Commission, the said application then has to be reviewed by Department of Industrial Technology (DoIT) for approval of the transfer of technology to Taiwan businessmen in China.  In the future, the application only needs to be reviewed by the Investment Commission for approval.  (2008.7)


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