Demand for IP Management Increased Fourfold Within Three Years.

E080828Y5 Sep. 2008(E106)

The number of enterprises joining the Taiwan IP Management System (TIPS) has increased fourfold as of 2008 after the TIPS was actively promoted in 2005.  The rapid growth indicates the growing demand for IP management.

The Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of the Ministry of Economics Affairs entrusted the Science and Technology Law Center, an unit under the Institute for Information Industry to promote utilization of TIPS to local enterprises.  The TIPS guidelines aim to help enterprises registered with the system to mange their IPR by integrating internal systems, saving R&D expenses and protecting their IP rights.

A recommendable IP management system should be able to serve (among others) five major functions: prior art search, design around, infringement analysis, patent mapping, and venture capital investment.  Sourcing a well-established IP management system with these major functions from outside experts could cost the enterprise dearly.

Many local enterprises lack the experience in maintaining in-house IP management. They are now able to use TIPS as a foundation to establish the IP management system that suits their needs.  Further, for enterprises which would like to put in place an internal IP management system of their own but lack the experience to do so, the TIPS guidelines facilitates an effective infrastructure.  Enterprises can request for certification of their TIPS-aided IP management system.  IP experts will upon request conduct an on-site inspection and if the inspection result turns out positive, a certificate on the compliance of TIPS will be issued to the enterprise.  Implementing an internal IP management system according to the TIPS guidelines also help outside IP service consultant in giving relevant workable advice.

The government has in recent years actively promoted the TIPS on-site diagnostic and consulting service.  The TIPS project has won wide recognition since it was launched.  The success of the system is evidenced by the record high number of enterprises applying for registration of the system and schools requesting for assistance for them to join the system in 2008.  The effectiveness and cost-efficiency of TIPS are expected to attract more local enterprises to build up an IP management system of their own.  (2008.8)

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