Cyber Infringement and Piracy, the Principal Target of IPR Protection Enforcement.

E080827Y6 Sep. 2008(E106)

Cyber Infringement and Piracy, the Principal Target of IPR Protection Enforcement.

There has been a surge of the amount of loss involved in IP infringement cases from USD 0.2 or USD 0.3 billion to USD 0.92 billion each year since broadband network became widely available in Taiwan in 2006. 

The Intellectual Property Rights Police Team (IPRP) indicated that enterprises in Taiwan are legally vulnerable to copyright infringement by using unlicensed and pirated software; it is rather common for the employee to illegally download graphics and drawing software which is too expensive to be provided by the employer.  Many listed companies have been put under prosecutorial investigation and faced copyright holder’s damages claim in the amount of more than USD 1 million.

Case Number Comparison:Non-Cyber Infringement and Cyber Infringement Uncovered by the IPRP

Year  2003  2004  2005  2006  Remark
Non-Cyber Infringement   1,961  1,075  659  339  Decreasing every year
Cyber Infringement  56  144  769  1,569  Increasing
every year

Amount of Loss

Value Involved In Infringement Cases (USD)  394 Million  260 Million  329 Million  927 Million  Soaring due to the wide accessibility of broadband network in 2006
Source:  the IPRP


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