IDB Signed MOU With Japan and Korea for Promoting the Internationalization of IP transactions.

E080929Y5 Oct. 2008(E107)

Industrial Development Bureaus of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Technology Transfer and Service Center of ITRI signed memorandums of understanding with IPTJ(Japan) and Wellture(Korea) on 25 September 2008 in order to strengthen global cooperation with international technical services organizations for stimulating the internationalization of IP transactions. 

IPTJ, invested by ALPS Electric Co. Ltd. was established in 2002.  IPTJ provide services including IP intermediation and transaction, IP merchandization, IP valuation and inventory, IP financing, and HR training.  Wellture, established in 2005, is a listed Korean leading company in the field of technical services.  Wellture engage in international technical transactions such as technical merchandization, technical transaction marketing, patent and technical valuation, paten trend analysis, international business planning and supporting, market survey consultancy.

In order to urge the enterprises for full utilization of intellectual property rights for creating high economic interest, the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) carry out a project of Taiwan Technology Marketplace, also known as the “TWTM”.  TWTM aims to provide consultative services for enterprises to obtain patented technology through technology trading; and to promote the growth of the IP-based technical services in Taiwan.  With continuous efforts during the past six years, TWTM platform has accumulated 25,000 records of technology interactions and completed over one thousand technology transactions by creating transaction value of over TWD1,000 million.  (2008.9)

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